Our Mission Statement:

The mission of Pens & Pages Writers Guild is to facilitate and encourage writers of all genres, to share resources and tips about the writing process and, most of all, to provide a positive and productive forum that will encourage and support each writer in his or her creative endeavors.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hi, P&P Friends!
Last night's critique meeting was amazing. I had a hard time going to sleep after I got home because I was so encouraged. DJ asked for permission prior to the meeting then handed my story, "Singing To the Cows" to the group for critiquing. We used guidelines that helped us be effective -- yes, I critiqued it myself! The beginning comments were uplifting and the suggestions for improvements will help me have a much better story. I learned new writing terms throughout the evening as well. ;-) I felt good about the whole experience being with people that care about me as a writer and their encouragement. I know you will have a good experience as well if you choose to let this group critique your works. (Don't know if you can tell but I sure tried to implement some of those new ideas you planted in my head!)
Looking forward to more editing -- can ya believe it?


Anonymous said...

Thanks to Pens and Pages members who helped us today with our Summer Reading Program "How to Write a Picture Book" by author Rhonda Spellman of Colorado Springs, CO. It was a very enjoyable experience for all of us. Thanks again, Darla

Robin said...

Brenda we love your story, more importantly, we just love you! Isn't it exciting to learn "the craft" and get to be creative with all of these very cool people!

Solard said...

Brenda, you bring it, my love. I could add "ditto" to what sage said; instead, I'll add this: I hope when I put my thang out there for critique, I'll be as non-fussed and graceful as you.

MadeByAmanda said...

Brenda - I had a thought, after the group meeting - that story seems like the kind of thing that the Accent West magazine in Amarillo might be interested in, since it involves the new performing arts center.