Our Mission Statement:

The mission of Pens & Pages Writers Guild is to facilitate and encourage writers of all genres, to share resources and tips about the writing process and, most of all, to provide a positive and productive forum that will encourage and support each writer in his or her creative endeavors.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Take One Moment

The forces of life flow in many directions …. good and bad, happy and sad. Don’t worry. Everything always balances out.

When life begins to fall in on us, we tend to lose our creative spark. The creative process can range from joyful enthusiasm to painful disappointment. It is coloring outside the lines, finding other ways to accomplish your goals, and not always following the rules.

True, it is hard to find the time we need to express ourselves. Becoming a hermit sounds like a good solution to distancing ourselves from daily hassles and society in general, but our computers would probably not work well in a cave. So take a deep breath and calm the whirlwinds in your minds.

Creative idleness renews the spirit. Everyone has an inexhaustible fountain of ideas, whether they know it or not. We must work to keep imagination alive. The spirit cannot thrive without the creative inner self. A person does not have to be energetic and active every waking moment, filling the air with constant chatter … “sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

Imagination needs slow quiet contemplation in order to achieve the freedom to grow. When you sit down to write, take one moment to breathe, to clear your mind of all the clutter, then pick up your pen or place your fingers on the keyboard and off you go.

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase … just take the first step.” M.L. King

Grannie C.


Solard said...

Granny Carol, thank you so much -- that was a lovely post, and such a beautifully expressed sentiment!

Unknown said...

Wow! I forgot to breathe, thank you so much for that! I get so caught up in the "bidness" end of it at times that I forget the pure joy of creating so I wind up "signifying nothing"...thanks for that...needed it!

Okay...breathing now....