Our Mission Statement:

The mission of Pens & Pages Writers Guild is to facilitate and encourage writers of all genres, to share resources and tips about the writing process and, most of all, to provide a positive and productive forum that will encourage and support each writer in his or her creative endeavors.

Friday, April 24, 2009

What Do You Do?

Aren't we nosey?  People meeting for the first time often ask "What do you do?"  Translated this means, "How do you make a living?"  Or you might be introduced to someone new as, "I'd like you to meet my friend Brenda; she's a librarian and a writer."  In our society, your vocation seems to define you as a person.  I guess we just automatically "profile" those around us, putting people into various categories:  this person is worthy, this person is unworthy.

I know we are not supposed to judge people in this manner, but I think it is just human nature to do so, at least to a small extent.

There are so many catalogs coming to my mailbox every day.  Some are deemed unworthy and go immediately into the trash.  Others end up in a stack for thumbing through later.  Especially during the Christmas season I see many interesting, cute and funny gift items you can order to give your friends and/or relatives who are associated with such professions as:  doctors, nurses, dentists, fire fighters, teachers, policemen, beauticians, secretaries, artists, musicians, lawyers, etc.  Never have I ever seen a single gift item especially designed for a writer or editor.  Why is that?  Are we deemed unworthy?  Of course I know none of us need one more dust catcher to deal with, but still it would be nice to know that we writers are being included in some of those goofy gift items in the catalogs.

Grannie Carol

1 comment:

Solard said...

You know what, Grannie C, I agree with you! Writing used to be an art -- especially letter writing. Great letter writers used to be celebrated...

I suppose we have neat pens, and pretty papers, and notebooks that seem to be just the right size, (sigh) -- I guess we'll have to make due, yeah?
