Our Mission Statement:

The mission of Pens & Pages Writers Guild is to facilitate and encourage writers of all genres, to share resources and tips about the writing process and, most of all, to provide a positive and productive forum that will encourage and support each writer in his or her creative endeavors.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hi, PPWG People!
Last night's meeting fascinated me! How people can do the same exercise and come away with so vastly interesting and diverse writings is amazing and wonderful. Thanks for sharing and for supporting everyone. This is going to be a great ride!

Ditto --
how's that for unique? ;-)-- Ditto Solard :
Here's to more tentative steps at revealing our innermost, protected, sacred selves to one another...

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Robin! Totally cool, man -- I love the simplicity, the brevity and clear imagery of your piece. "...cleansing hallways of child like truth." speaks to me. I find I learn best through those "abstract thoughts" that startle me with a simple, child like truth. Kudos for putting yourself out there, too, sistah!

Thanks for the kind words on my imitation piece -- I've completed about three pages and find that trying to write in someone else's style is ...exhausting!

Here's to more tentative steps at revealing our innermost, protected, sacred selves to one another...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wow Julia, aka "Violet"...that's amazing! I am so digging it! Thank you so much for sharing...what's next?! I feel like I dropped my brand new book in the bathtub just when I was getting into it! OK!! The pressure is on! Thanks for putting yourself "out there" Julia...I feel like doing the same but not at the moment! Okay, maybe so...a poem I wrote many, many years ago (old enough to use two many's!)

abstract emotions;
painted intentions.

opening channels of white hot thought.

cleansing hallways of child like truth.

abstract emotions.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hi guys!
Sorry I just got here. Looks awesome Steph!
Well, just thought I'd drop a note.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Hello, all!
Wow -- I hate to be repetitive, but -- Nice Job, Stephanie! It's going to be lovely to have a common place to keep in touch and keep momentum.

I haven't done the exercises yet -- but here's a paragraph of my Austen Imitation piece:

Henry loosened his cravat as he entered his closet; the blackness of his mood rendered him ill-prepared for any productive activity; he was a man adrift in unwelcome thoughts and painful sensation. He looked restlessly about the small room until he caught at and held his own gaze reflected in his dressing room glass. He was remarkably changed; his countenance revealed the effects of the preceding weeks’ intrigue and scandal. Scarcely had the influence of gossip and ill-opinion touched him; having never given a passing notice to the injury he caused to the hearts and characters of those with whom he trifled, the discovery of the ill-effects his most recent indiscretion had upon his own character and heart were marked, indeed.

(Figured I'd color it violet, as it is "purple prose" ;-)

Well, I'm very gratified to be in a group so dedicated, and now have only to hope I can keep up with you all!


Friday, February 15, 2008

Great Job Stephanie! This is so exciting! I am really looking forward to having a "forum" to go to when I need help, a sounding board or just encouragment! I think we're onto something here! Thank you!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ok - here goes!!!

Assertive but kind, she was taking charge, telling the maidservant how she wanted the room while that brute, Colm McCaffrey sat and watched.

Can't wait to read yours!
Hello everyone! Sorry I didn't get everything fixed up sooner. Let me know if there's anything you would like changed!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

I love the C.S. Lewis quote, so true.
You did a nice job setting up this page. I like the layout.